jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Former Peshmerga killed by Iran- Ferhad Mohammadi

 A former Peshmerga has been murdered, the PDKI says- at present this release from them is all that is known but any updates will be posted:

A former PDKI Peshmerga by the name of Ferhad Mohammadi was brutally murdered by individuals affiliated with Iran's Basij forces in the Soma Bradost region outside the Kurdish city of Ourmye. Mohammadi was beheaded and his heart was cut out of his body and left next to his body according to witnesses.

Iran spread miss information and claimed it was ISIS that beheaded former PDKI Peshmerga Ferhad Mohammadi. All Kurdish witnesses in the region state that it was individuals affiliated with Iran's Basij force that brutally kille Mohammadi. http://nisannews.net/?p=2587

(Some background on the Basij:


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