jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

East Kurdistan News- January 28th

 Iranian Kurdistan News in brief – January 28, 2015


Posted on January 28, 2015 by Editorial Staff in Iranian Kurdistan News in brief

Kurdish politicla prisoner Fakhredin Faraji Transferred to a Hospital in Birjand

Fakhredin Faraji, a Kurdish political prisoner of Tabas prison was transferred to medical center outside the prison. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on Monday 26th January, Fakhredin Faraji, political prisoners of Tabas prison, was transferred to a hospital in the city of Birjand. This political prisoner who suffers from lumbar disc and consequently from severe back pain will have an operation in that hospital. It is to say, Fakhredin Faraji has been transferred to Tabas prison since 4 years ago and now is held with another political prisoner named Mohammad Amin Abdullahi at this prison. Fakhredin Faraji who was arrested along with three others on 6th June 2011 near Shovisheh, a village of Sine (Sanandaj) in Iranian Kurdistan, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and on 25th August 2012 and was sentenced to endure thirty years imprisonment and exile to Tabas by the branch 1 of Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj on charges of acting against national security and membership in Komaleh party. hra-news.org| Ekurd.net

PJAK: Political/military operations of Iran is to militarize Iranian Kurdistan (Rojhelat)

“Mass arrests, raids artillery of Iran, political operations and military presence in Kurdistan is the meaning of militarizing the Kurdish region,” said the Council of Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) in a statement. The statement of PJAK is as follows: “After growth of quality of knowledge of the peoples of the Middle East and increase its presence in the political arena, social and cultural rights, the government used both global as well as regional powers to try to lower the higher frequency and intensity, positive and compressing it. Iran as a country participating in the current issues of regional and global impact on the entire plane surfaces have taken their domestic and foreign mutual policy; and the other side is its participation in world affairs, they require their rights, as well as with a combination of policies of classic and modern colonial policy in domestic politics, attempts to violate the equal rights of Iranian nationalities. With the balance of Iran’s demand for world power, we witnessed the growth policy of occupation and imperialists of this government to the Iranian nationalities in the political geography of the country. The PJAK, or the (Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistane) (Party of Free Life of Kurdistan), is a militant Kurdish nationalist group based on the border areas between Iraq’s Kurdistan region and Iran’s Kurdish region. Since 2004 the PJAK took up arms took up arms to establish a semi-autonomous Kurdish regional entities or Kurdish federal states in Iran, similar to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq. The PJAK has about 3,000 armed militiamen, half the members of PJAK are women…diclehaber.com | Ekurd.net

Kurdish Sunni Imam severely beaten in Iranian Kurdistan

Bokan: A Kurdish Imam from Iran’s Kurdish minority was left unconscious in a field in Iranian Kurdistan (West Azerbaijan province) after being interrogated and savagely beaten by plain-clothed officers on Monday 19 January 2015. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ali Hosseinzadeh, the Imam of the Khankandi village mosque in the city of Miandoab, was pursued by plain-clothed armed officers near the village of Dash Band on the Bokan-Miandoab road on Monday evening. He was chased by the armed officers, who were travelling in two cars with personalized number plates, until he was detained near the village of Anbar in the Akhtachi-ye Sharqi Rural District. He was immediately blindfolded, and officers began to interrogate him in the open field. After refusing to answer their questions or participate in the field interrogation, the officers began to attack him. The officers punched and beat him severely, and suffocated him by pushing his head into the mud, before they abandoned his lifeless body. Out of the five attackers, four had been Persian speakers, indicating that they were not local to the area. Only one of the officers had spoken in Kurdish…hra-news.org| Ekurd.net

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