jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

East Kurdistan Defence Forces Established

   East Kurdistan Defence Forces YRK established
The East Kurdistan Forces (HRK) has held its 3rd conference, announcing it is changing its name to YRK.

The HRK, also known as the military wing of PJAK, discussed recent developments in Kurdistan and in the Middle East at its 3rd conference. A decision was taken to undertake a name change and to reorganise the force as the defence force of the recently established Community of Democracy and Freedom of East Kurdistan(KODAR). In accordance with this the name of the East Kurdistan Forces was changed to East Kurdistan Defence Forces (YRK).

Other decisions taken at the conference are as follows:

-The East Kurdistan Defence Forces are based on the principle of legitimate defence. It will not launch an attack unless attacked. It will respond in a determined manner to attacks.

-The YRK is the defence force of KODAR and its command will be its Command Council.

-YRK is not affiliated to any party or movement

-Freedom of women is a fundamental principal of the YRK

-YRK supports the ongoing ceasefire between the Kurdish freedom movement and the Iranian state

-YRK also sees itself as a defence force of nature and will wage a struggle against environmental destruction

-YRK evaluates itself as the heir apparent of the freedom struggle

-YRK calls on all the young people of East Kurdistan to join the ranks of the YRK to protect their existence, identity and culture

- YRK calls on village guards armed by the Iranian regime to give up their arms and take the side of the people.

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