domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

The East Kurdistan Independent Party (EKIP)

 Interview with Mani Vehumen member of East Kurdistan Independent Party (EKIP)

- What is the East Kurdistan Independence Party?
"We are a different political party, which is not struggling for a minimal rights, like autonomy or federalism, but we are fighting for our full national independence. Kurdistan belongs to Kurdish people and it must be governed by a joint participatory administrative system which is comprised of both Kurds and the other nationalities whose living in Kurdistan.

We were established in 2006, and never tried to start a serious armed movement as our leading organ was dominated by a corrupt leader. We removed him from his position, then from our entire organization in February 2013. Then we reorganized our entire organization, and started to revision our policy, party program, strategies and tactics, philosophy and methodology and organizational structure. We say we have revolutionized us completely, because we have returned to our roots.

Our past and history contains valuable systems and mechanisms which if they modernized then we have a fully liable political and administrative system which is adapted to the conditions of our society. The result of this development proses is what we call Djivaki Republic of Kurdistan. In this republic the society is run based on the Kurdish participatory mechanisms.

Returning to our roots demands a review of our history, our national identity which can encourage or develop new basic believes as an important fundaments developing a system or a package of systems. All from believe and culture to economy and politic. All of this system are united in one essential old Kurdish value; labor and happiness. There should be the formula for combining both labor and happiness, in a such relation which falling in a perfect natural and ecological harmony together. This is our main philosophy and we deeply believe in it. We call this Vehumena, which is based on psychological self-developing methods.

Our system is including many things of course, like a package of urgent tasks. In this stage which we call occupying stage, as our land is taken by enemy states, then we should have som solutions, tactics and strategies to liberate our land.

We believe that we have been in a political stage in almost 70 years, which we call political party stage. In this stage political parties have had militia forces and fought against the occupier without no results. We need to pass this stage and start a new stage which we call movement stage which is going to use the most dynamism in the society. A movement should be enforced by a formal and official structural organization as we call Liberating State.

Our most urgent task now is to stimulate the Kurdish society both in exile and within the country to switch to this form of movement and we have had some progress to aware effective Kurdish individuals to realize this urgency. This is our most urgent priority which is turning into a movement which we dream cover our entire land.

- What is liberating state?
We believe that a political party should only should be a political party and not a combination of militia forces and a political hardcore. This phase has to get to an end and a new methodological strategy has to occur. In this new stage the struggle for our liberation most have an national and international credibility. This credibility can only occur if we start the right organization for it. Liberating State is what we believe is the right organization which is a transferral government starting from exile and continuing in Kurdistan among our people.

Liberating State will be organized as a government with all necessary executive organs and commissions to lead a credible, formal and official struggle to liberate Rojhelat. This government will of course have both national and international tasks and this will also have a liberating Army with a movement structure which can effectively fight the occupier and liberate our land village by village and city by city.

We have started very wide dialog with Kurds in exile, maybe many Kurds are still not reached, but we will reach everyone. We have a deadline to uncover our first initiative, but before we do that we need to reach enough people! The form which we are getting organized is so long Djivaki methods which does not belong to our party only, but to our ancient nation. This is a participatory method which gives everyone to play an their adapted role in liberation of Kurdistan.

With a time perspective of five years, we need to get liberated. That's why all Kurds in Kurdistan and exile need to unite and come together as we want to be free. Liberating State is non political party approach to our dream which is liberation of Kurdistan.

- How is EKIP organized? What form did this returning to roots take?
"We have renewed our organization and moved from the classical democratic centralism to a modernized form of traditional participatory Kurdish structure, called Djivaki organizational system. This is the closest form of organizing method to our Kurdish mentality which we have inherited from ancient people of Zagros mountains, Anatolia and Mesopotamia. The reason for this change was that we found democracy and centralism very antagonistic to each other... Our share of "democratic centralism" have been only intern conflicts and using our resources for fighting against each other.

As Kurdish people we are more or less used to collective and participatory mentality which is thousands of years old among Kurdish people. The best choice for us was, to not imitate western democracy or eastern socialism, but modernize our own civilization instead.

We exposed our new program to the public in November (2013) and since then, our popularity has increased dramatically. In Rojhelat where we are concentrating our struggle, we have also achieved high popularity, now working on plans to organize further.

- What is your attitude regarding "armed struggle?"
"We have realized that the classical Peshmarga forces are not enough for liberating our land. We don't want to kill or to be killed for putting pressure on Tehran to negotiate with us and recognize a minimal national right like autonomy or federalism. We need a more effective means. We are working hard to encourage Kurdish youth to start an armed liberating movement organized as Kurdistan Liberating Army which is really capable to liberate our land, not only fight to keep us alive as a nation.

Our first priority is getting all kind of support from our people, and we want to capture the supplies we need for armed struggle. Kurdish fighters are very good on this. This is our main policy.

- What is the situation in East Kurdistan today?
"Living in East-Kurdistan is hard and risky. The sanctions made the government and the revolution guard reacher, greedier and more violent, while our people are suffering from extreme poverty. And we all know how the governmental violence is growing to the record high levels. Governmental murders are not killing only political activists or political prisoners, but also Kolbers (border porters) and their horses. Persecutions reaching a lighter level as never before.

Rohani government collected votes by promising what they call "minorities" more rights, but right after he took over, a new wave of judgments, arrests and executions started. On the other side, his cabinet is doing his best to manipulate the western powers about the nuclear activity, just in order to lighten the sanctions. Even we believe that the sanctions make Tehran more violent, reacher and greedier, but we also know that the flexibility the West is showing Tehran, makes the region more unstable as Tehran is a big threat against stability in the region specially the safety of Israel and Sunni Muslims.

Rojhelat now is suffering from being unorganized, despite the Kurdish national awareness is increasing. The armed forces belonging to Rojhelat are now passive and no liberating or fighting for that matter is going on. This is going on while the time is ripe more then ever for starting a liberating struggle. I believe Rojhelat is not going to sacrifice their children for anything less then independence.

In Rojhelat we have a very painful challenge which we need a lot of power to win over, and it is Salafi organization which are affiliated with Alqaeda. They are getting full economic support from Saudi Arabia and full activity freedom from the Iranian regime. They have almost full control over Djiwanro which is a city in Rojhelat. They are teaching suicidal bombers and sending them to Afghanistan and also to Syria and Rojava to fight the Kurdish YPG. We feel that it is our duty to stop this process and we have already warned them that we are going to fight them. We are very serious on this issue- they are Saudi Arabia's iron hand in our land and we have had enough of their hegemony in our land and we are not going to accept it any more.

Another challenge is further militarization of Rojhelat with former Hamza troops which is able to mobilize 250000 troops within 48 hours according to themselves. There is one missile site in my hometown, one in another city, and the biggest missile depot is tunneled in another Kurdish city. This means the Rojhelat is extremely strategic for the regime to threaten Israel and Europe. If Rojhelat getting independent and this regime is still alive, then they lose their maneuvering power against the region and the west and in the same time the a big part of their capability to execute their new safawidism project as one of the biggest projects in Middle East.

We have many other challenges in Rojhelat, and it is only possible to fight back with an independent movement with the right strategies, projects and solutions for all challenges.

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